Beehive 2.0

Valedictory Speech

WB Jayfrancis D. Bago

“According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.”

MW Peter U. Lim Lo Suy, RW Agapito S. Suan, Jr., VW Noel D. Sadava, DDGM of R 10-Mis Or and Camiguin, VW Eugene Unabia DDGM of R 10-Mis Or and Cagayan de Oro, WI Sherwin E. Morados, VW Erwin L. Pepino, our installing officers, VW Oscar P. Musni, VW Edward A. Matilos and VW Stephen S. Lim, VW Sirs, Worshipful Sirs, Brethren, Sisters, friends of Masons , Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon!

A year ago, at a very similar occasion, I spoke addressing the same audience and marvelled at how bees have for centuries defied laws known to man.

Beyond the production of wax and honey with perpetual shelf-lives, bees are also credited for their contribution in helping the pollination of hundreds of fruits and vegetables. It is explained by ancient and recent studies that bees are able to achieve these miracles through a theory called “The Honeybee Conjecture”.

We recall that similar to a honeycomb, if the sides are all equal and “perfectly” hexagonal, every cell fits tight with every other cell. This way, everybody can pitch in. With this compact structure, all the bees are able to work together collectively, simultaneously and constantly.

A year ago, I was elected to be your “queen bee”. And like all worthy positions, I had to prove myself equal to the task. I realize this was no easy feat and even before my installation, I already had second thoughts.

You see, immediately after my election but before my installation as Worshipful Master, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects the bloodstream and severely weakens the immune system. Upon discovery of my ailment even prior to my installation, I had asked the incumbent leaders and elders of my lodge to be relieved of my duties if they did not see me fit as Worshipful Master because of my looming condition. My lodge heard none of my apprehensions. They persuaded me to take on the task and pledged their support every step of the way.

I knew that to be able to serve the Lodge well, it would take extraordinary strength and commitment as I shuffle between chemotherapy sessions and my Masonic duties. I would have to overcome the impossible and, with my tiny cancer-ridden wings and bloated chemo-laden body, I would have to defy common beliefs, break barriers and soar with the Lodge.

But I tell you today that defying gravity, breaking the mould and flying beyond limits takes more than one person. It takes more than a queen bee for a colony to successfully carry out its functions and it takes more than a Worshipful Master to bring a lodge to achieve its goals.

While I may be the queen bee, I would be nothing without the following whose contribution and dedication to the lodge are essential and indispensable for its success —

Worshipful Master Ike Balhon, who was then Senior Warden, for his assistance and, on occasions when my spirit was willing but my body was unable, he readily and ably represented me in district activities and other lodge meetings;

Senior Warden Alexis Saldaña, then Junior Warden, for the refreshments;

Junior Warden Rey Soto, then Treasurer, for strictly managing the lodge coffers and ensuring that we always adhered our budget;

Bro. Treasurer Franco Catajoy, then Secretary, for the complete correspondence and proactive planning for the Lodge;

Bro. Tata Arellano, for being the Lodge’s resident fundraising expert;

VW Carlo Lim, VW Jover Llamis and WB Mat Naduma, for the sincere support and for constantly being a phone call away when I needed any form of assistance;

VW Fernando Roy G. Urot, for his patience during practices to correct and perfect the rituals and floorworks;

VW Oscar Musni, our Masonic Education chairperson, for always being his funny, witty self and adding joy to every occasion he attends;

VW Roland Ramos, VW Robert Cruz, VW Bong Quiblat, VW Francis Ku, VW Bong Vedad, Bro. Amanoding Esmail, VW Mark McNew, VW Henry Tan, WB Jing Pague, Bro. Nilo Eufinado, WB Ramon Labis, VW Ed Matilos, and VW Earl Navarro for ever so generously sharing their time and efforts, and constantly finding means in augmenting our resources;

VW Kid Arcol, VW Aristoteles Trani, VW Jun Tagaro, VW GG Lim, VW Stephen Lim, VW Amante Siapno, VW Ed De Veyra, and VW Choy Chaves, for lending their expertise in conferrals and stated meetings;

VW Ildefonso “IG” Agbuya, for his masonic wisdom and for being my greatest source of encouragement to forge on, and not just to survive but to truly live. Matod pa niya upon discovering I was diagnosed with cancer, “Pa instal, para kung mamatay ka, Worshipful Master ka!” and he added, “Naa man kaha kay kwarta, mabuhi ra lagi ka!” VW, buhi lagi, pero hurot sad akong kwarta!;

By and large, all these bees, these workers, these master masons, have cooperated and contributed to produce spectacular work in just a period of one year.

Throughout the year, we were guided by our theme “Perfecting the Craft, Building a Legacy”.

On perfecting the craft, we have endeavored to achieve the following —

First, we have finally mastered the fine art of robbing people of their hard-earned resources without them even flinching one bit, and very often, with our very own members even volunteering to be robbed! Mag mahay pa kung dili maduolan! Bro. Tata and Bro. Rey, have shown us how this is done.

Second, collection of our annual dues is at an all time high. This is one of the aspects we’ve set out to accomplish and I am happy to report that save for a few individuals, almost everyone has paid their annual dues, not just for 2017 but also for 2018! A pat on the back for Bro. Franco for this well-deserved distinction.

Third, we have become experts in partnering with individuals and other organizations to carry out community projects such as Operation Tuli, medical missions and legal clinics. Hopefully, we would have learned from these groups that we would not only be experts in partnering but actual experts in doing.

Fourth, through years of practice and months of faulty executions, we have finally honed our floorworks skills. Perfecting the performance of rituals and conferrals is a hallmark attribute that all masons strive to achieve. And today, we have made history. VW Roy, please claim this among your personal achievements.

Fifth, we cannot claim perfection of the craft without growth amongst our ranks. We are happy to welcome our youngest master masons, Bro. Carlo Domo and Bro. Earl Cebedo. We look forward to your active participation in the Lodge and dedication to becoming better men.

Now, on building a legacy, our lodge has also made headway in various areas —

Four of our very own masons have been conferred lifetime membership in Masonry through longevity. By continuously being members in good standing for twenty five years, the following have achieved excellence that is worth emulating and prominence that brings honour to the Lodge. I wish to call our lifetime members:

1. VW Florido J. Akut, PDGL
2. Bro. Perfecto S. Quijano, Jr.
3. Bro. Felix S. Ansaldo
4. VW Roland C. Ramos, PDDGM

Please join me here on stage.

Brethren, these gentlemen have brought greatness and glory to our lodge by being outstanding members for a quarter of a century. It is no small feat and we all look up to the legacy you have built for us.

Thank you, gentlemen. You may return to your respective seats.

As these men have shown, to build a legacy takes time and perseverance. But one thing that is of utmost importance from the very start is the to lay a strong foundation. We know this as master masons and thus, in our projects and programs, we are reminded of this constantly.

To lay the foundation for a future legacy, we have revived the Lodge Association. After years of having gone missing, our corporate papers have finally surfaced and we are now in the process of updating our documents with the Security and Exchange Commission.

At the beginning of my term, I had insisted on conducting what we hope is the first of many strategic plannings. This, of course, strengthens our foundations and sets out our short term and long term plans. During the strategic planning held in Dahilayan, we aimed to revive the Lodge Association and planned to have the Immediate Past Master as the chairman of the association. This ensures continuity of the plans and stability in all its undertakings.

Finally, I am pleased to announce that through the magnanimity of the late VW Arturo Legaspi and his wife, Sister Jessie, we have consolidated the ownership of the Bulua property in the name of Cagayan de Oro Masonic Lodge through a deed of donation over the same. On this Bulua property, we hope to finally build our beehive, our very own lodge temple, our legacy.

It is said that the tools that a society uses to create and maintain itself are as central to human life as a hive is to bee life. Though the hive is not part of any individual bee, it is part of the colony, both shaped by and shaping the lives of its inhabitants.

I personally ask for your continued support in this legacy. I implore you to participate in this shared vision.

We aspire to finally have a temple that we shall shape together and, in the fullest of hope and in the sincerest of prayers, a temple that shall shape us as brothers and as masons.

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